Thursday, 27 February 2014

Those once in a while Dreamlike Spells of Reality

Breezy weather with the sun playing hide and seek behind the thick blue-gray clouds
Morning tea in the balcony mesmerized by the green expanse that it opens out to
Hot chappathis and yummy subji for breakfast
One and half hours of music class which leaves me feeling happy and content
Sitting by the swimming pool with the breeze caressing my face as the husband enjoys his cold plunge
A simple home cooked lunch
Doing laundry with melodious movie songs playing in the background
Evening prayer in absolute quietude
Loitering in the local market buying refills for the kitchen stores
Catching up with the street food varieties of Mumbai on Fox Traveller
The sun and the increasingly thickening clouds pull off wonderful stunts outside ..
Illuminating just the tree tops of the lush green thicket below our home ..
The show is however stolen by the rains that lash all through evening
A peaceful and enjoyable stroll as it drizzles at 9 in the night

Now whoever said heaven is unattainable for mere mortals!!

PS: I wrote this post many months back. It has been lying in draft mode. Today, I suddenly happened to read it and enjoyed the nostalgia.
There are many days when we do things we like and enjoy. But this sense of complete peace with oneself and contentment eludes us most of the time for some reason. I am glad I recorded one such rare day :)