Saturday 29 June 2013

Its been a year already !

There are certain things that become so much a part of you that you are unable to point out when and how you came to embrace it so wholeheartedly. So much that it is now a part of your being. Writing, to me, has become just that. So this June, when Ink on Paper turned one year old, it did not strike me at all. It seems as if it has always been there as my faithful pocketbook, ever open and ready to absorb and share the musings of my mind, the memories that I want to note down in detail to cherish later on, the ideas and emotions that are deep rooted and strong .. The list is a long one.

This space has given me the same comfort offered by that rare friend who understands my words just the way I mean them and gives that knowing nod of perfect empathy. It has been a bolster to my spirits at all times – happy or not so happy. It has made me know my mind on so many aspects of life. In short, it has become an expression of my being itself. If you leaf through the pages of this book, you would come to know me quite well.

I cannot describe the sense of satisfaction that I derive out of writing and the joy of seeing it published in an ordered manner. When I see my fellow bloggers taking the time to read what I have written and leaving a line or two in reply, I feel so encouraged. The blogsphere has introduced me to so many wonderful people and some real good writing.

So, though I do not feel the need for a formal celebration and birthday wishes to my space, I want to acknowledge the wonders that it has done to me. Just with a smile on my inclined head J

I want to thank all my fellow bloggers and regular readers, without whom I would not have the motivation to write on these pages. That I ever got the boldness to create this space and the determination to keep at it for a whole year now is largely because of you all.

I also want to give a special thanks to my dad. He is my most regular reader and gives his opinion on every post that I write. When the frequency of my posts recently started dwindling, he tirelessly kept asking me as to why I wasn’t writing. And when I published after a long time, he was the first to message me and feel happy for the Liebster award (though he had no clue as to what it was and asked for an explanationJ). I know he is proud of his daughter’s linguistic abilities(ahem J) and I am so relieved that I finally did something to make him proud J
Jokes apart, my love for the English language is entirely because of the reading habit that he inculcated in me while I was still a very young kid and schooling at one of the best institutions that he and mom put me through. Reading and writing have turned out to be such a big source of happiness in life.

And finally to the man who has no choice but to compulsorily read all that I write (Just like eating whatever I cook and tolerating my baffling mood swings and idiosyncrasiesJ) He reads solely because I happen to be the author and that is something no one else will do for me. I am fighting with time to keep at reading, writing and music amidst hectic workweeks, weekend outings (that’s not hectic) and managing a house. This is possible only because we are together in the battle and he is actually the mightier solider, fighting the larger part and forcing me into action whenever I am on the verge of giving up on these and getting run over by life’s everyday drone.  

Now that the credits are over .. Sigh.. My Ink on Paper is already one year old (dabs eyes with a tissue and sniffs). Hey wait, did I say I wasn’t going to get formal, emotional and all? Did I really?  

Friday 14 June 2013

Yes its official .. Ink on Paper is now a Liebster Blog !! :)

I have to profusely thank Purnima for two reasons. One is of course for deeming my writing worthy of encouragement. The second is for kicking my blog (and me) awake from deep slumber and putting me back on the writing mode.

Thanks Purnima! A pat on the back like this goes a long way in nurturing my writing.

Now for the tag that accompanies the award –

Ten random facts about myself. I have done this before, but will try and write new ones this time.
  1. I am always in pursuit of good books to read. I tirelessly read reviews and keep adding items to my reading list.(Hardly able to tick them off the list these days L)
  2.  I enjoy the hour long journey to my workplace. It gives me the time to get lost in my thoughts while I gaze at the familiar sights that pass by.
  3. I am usually wary of trying out new stuff and always want to go with what worked for me earlier.
  4. I enjoy even mundane stuff like grocery shopping if my husband is with me.
  5. I never think twice about shelling out more money, if it is for the sake of comfortable travel.
  6. I’ve been working for about 4 years now but my salary getting credited to my account after a month’s fruitful work still hasn’t lost its fancy.
  7. Reading, writing and music are the three passions that I have in life.
  8. My everyday prayers are for good health and peace.
  9. I just love those rare days that are not ruled over by to-do lists and schedules or restricted by the presence of people to be mindful of.
  10. I have this weird quality of committing mistakes even while am completely aware of it. Just once a while, but weird still..
My answers to the questions posed by Purnima:

1. It takes a lot of commitment to keep blogging. What keeps you going?
-->I have lately been very irregular for I hardly find the time to write. But it is just my love for writing and the            therapeutic exercise that it proves to be that keeps me going.

2. If you had just an extra hour in a day, how would you spend it?
-->Reading, writing and practicing music. 

3. Have you ever cheated to get something your way? If so, how?
-->As a small kid of 5 years, I used to beat up my sister whenever we fought and immediately start crying, posing to be the victim to my clueless mom who would then pull up poor sis.

4. How would it be to live in a world free of men?
-->I would have given an eloquent answer had you asked me this question some time back. But right now (and I guess hereafter), I can’t imagine living without the man who fills my life!

5. If you had to punish a person who's betrayed you, how would that be?
-->Forgive them and keep away

6. What special talent can you boast of?
-->I can sing carnatic music and I give stage performances.

7. Bungee jumping or scuba diving?
-->Aaargh!! They both sound equally scary.

8. Which Bollywood actor/actress do you think should retire? and why?
-->I am not even aware of who all occupy the screen. But I usually feel people should stop donning the garb of the young hero/hero-in when they look 35.

9. Who can make you smile despite rough situations?
-->My sister’s kids and their ever refreshing antics.

10. Do you believe in celebrating Women's Day? Why?
-->No. The very fact that a ‘day’ is needed, shows that we need to be reminded of how special she is. And a man is special in his own way too, isn’t he? So why aren’t we celebrating a man’s day?

My Nominations :

The toughest part. All my favorite bloggers have been taken as usual. But still, I can list some recent finds of mine who write really well. Ten is impossible though.
And the award goes to …

TanayaNath – I thoroughly enjoy reading her short stories. She has a real flair for them.
GayathriManikandan – We share the trait of being book lovers. I find her book reviews really good and useful.

Here are the ten questions for them to answer:
  1. Which is that part of your daily routine which energises you to go through the day?
  2. For you, a day well spent would be ...?
  3. If you were allowed to re-live some part of your life, would you opt for it? If yes, which part of your life would you choose?
  4. What does writing mean to you?
  5. Do you take conscious efforts to improve your writing or just allow it take its own course?
  6. Do you feel it is necessary to market your blog?
  7. What are your thoughts on blogging contests?
  8. Which genre do you enjoy writing the most? (Poetry, Stories,Musings, Or any other .. )
  9. Do you have ambitions of writing a book someday? Why?
  10. How do you handle the proverbial writer’s block?

So Tanya and Gayathri, over to you!!

All you need to do is :

  • Accept the award :)
  • Nominate ten bloggers whom you feel should be enouraged to continue their good work and have'nt got this award already.(They should have less than 200 followers)
  • Write ten random facts about yourself
  • Answer the questions that I have posed above
  • Put down ten questions for your nominees to answer
Congratulations to you two and keep blogging!!!